Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dedicated to all broken hearts

The most important things are so simple.

How do you know, that she is the one and the only and what you will never get any better, because there will never be need?

Is she (my present love of my life) bad? No, she's almost perfect for me and she loves me so much, but I don't love her as much as my previous big love who didn't loved me the same much as I loved her. Is it the way life should be? Always the level of loving is not equal. And isn't it strange that, even as it is believed that love can't be measured, one can feel not equal levels of loving.

And by the way, the sexual events were much nicer with my previous love. She was best of all I've ever tried (not that much actually). She was  so much the one - once you saw her, you are immediately sure that she is the one and the only. Three years have passed since we split, but still... Even if I don't suffer deep pain any more, I doubt whether best choice is to stay together with women who loves me, but I will never be satisfied enough? I address this question to all broken hearts, who have been broken so much (like hell) but who didn't die. Ha, ha...  Didn't die... 

Guys, do you know the answer? What to do? Is it so, that you just have to reconcile with the fact that you are not meant to be really happy? But is there really honest being together possible at all?


  1. I wish I could answer that question for you, but I can't - although it often has crossed my own mind. You're absolutely right about the impossibility of equal levels of loving, I've experienced both situations (me being the one who loves him more, and him being the one who loves me more) and neither of them seemed to feel really healthy. If you ever find out what's the best kind of relationship, definitely let me know.

  2. Definitely as soon as I will know the answer I'll let you know, my dear follower with flowers!

  3. I've been on both end of the spectrum as well. My grandmother always told me to never marry someone you loved, but didn't love you as much. It would lead to more pain than was bearable.My friends and I all have a running joke. Just because you find your soul mate doesn't mean you just spend your life with them. Sometimes they truly are just an asshole. Haha. :)

  4. This is what happened to me and my hubby. And as the levels of loving didn't quite match, he went away. But, hey, I didn't die. What Jessica said, is so true. "Just because you find your soul mate doesn't mean you just spend your life with them. Sometimes they truly are just an asshole."

  5. I came back. Just tagged you, dear acclimatizer. "Want to know more". So I ask. See my blog for more details.


Please share your pain with me!