Monday, November 17, 2008

What is your occupation?

Here we go again, my dear followers (at the moment just two of them)! I know that you have been waiting so long. I'm so sorry!

Of course not. You wasn't longing for me. Everybody here in this blogger-world cares only about their selfs. But that's normal.

Anyway I want to tell you, my dear blog-reader, why you had to meet absence of me here for about a week. As I explained in previous publications (which of course you didn't read) I share my life with the girl I met accidentally pretty soon after I lost my previous love of my life. But I'm not going to complain about my painful life. I just want to excuse my disappearance from this beautiful conversation room. So, now I'll tell you the truth. My absence was only because I didn't had any little moment to make new post. I'm trying to hide this blog from any person from my real life: from any friend, relative... From any people who may know me. Why? Cause this is an experiment for me. I want to figure out, how honestly one (I mean me) can talk about him self in front of unknown audience, if he is sure that he can remain anonymous. And thats the reason why I have to catch every moment when I can sit alone with computer. And sometimes I cant get this. I have to hide as  a thief. And so, here I am again speaking with you my dear friend whom I'll probably never meet. It's a pity, cause I've already noticed some nice people hear in  which I'd really like to talk with. Actually I'm talking about female beings only.

Last sentence made me think for a while. I'm still not very sure wether I am interested in sexual experience with men or not. Even if it sounds not very interesting to you, I feel like I'm really not a gay. But I can not refuse that sometimes I check guys as well, wether they are pretty or not... Hm...

I wonder, what kind of people could be interested in my blog the most? Psychologists? Psychos? Some, who are the same? Some pretty girls?

If you read my blog for some reason, can you please tell me what is your occupation? Thank you very much! 


  1. Haha! Well, I sell insurance. I find myself coming back to your blog though for two reasons. One out of sheer curiousity of what you will post next and two I like to think maybe I can offer you some sort of insight on something. Haha. :) I don't know if that's actually true, but it's still a nice thought.

  2. Thank you Jessica for staying with me!

    What kind of insight are you talking about? I hope you are not trying to turn me to a christian! :))) I'm just kidding. If one day I will find out that being christian is really the best choice for my life, I will immediately become a christian again.

    Or maybe you want me to buy a life insurance? ;)

  3. Haha! No to both. I sell car insurance. Haha. :) No just in general. I think we all learn from our experiences and can offer a lot from sharing. I learn a lot everyday from different people. :)

  4. I'm a student Communications and an amateur music journalist. And maybe, as you have noticed before, a pacifist! :)

    My reason for coming back to your blog is because it's a nice alternation between the many many fashion blogs. Of course it could be just an act, but you seem to have a rather honest way of telling about things. And even if I'm wrong about that, it's still interesting to read. :)

  5. Oh, thank you, my dear Pacifizer, for being reliable! I find you very nice person! So, you are from Belgium? Thats nice, I have beautiful memories about Brussels. About 8 years ago I was living there in a parks for two weeks. That was fun. One of the most exciting things I've ever done.

  6. Had to answer because you made me laugh! Occupation is flight attendant(with Emirates). I am not kidding. And this occupation would definately go under the ones "not recommended". But "I am not going to complain about my painful life" either, so I stop it there. If you want to know more, I will tell you. But I don't recommend you to ask.

    Just found my way to your blog. And seems like I am here to stay.

  7. Oh, it's really nice to hear that other (not me) beautiful person is ready to share her pain with me! Pienovski, You seem to be really interesting one. I like your comment very much!

    Please share your pain with me! Tell me more!


Please share your pain with me!